13 tuesday july 2010
And so i arrive for the 2nd day's work. I must say, i'm feeling a bit more expectant than i was at the start of yesterday. When i arrive the doctor has not yet arrived so i wait with the nurses. The clinic smells nice in a strange way. After waiting for almost an hour, the doctor finally arrives (she can like to be earlier tho) and we start morning ward rounds.
I met a young couple with thier first child at the start of this 'rounds'. The boy had been circumcised soon after and was injured and got an infection from the circumcision. The boy has a 'septic penis' according to the doctor. You should have seen that penis booooyyyy! was red as hellfire! Close your eyes for a minute and imagine brown skin and red penis. Now try keeping a straight face. hahahaha.
Between yesterday and today i have noticed the large number of people who were diagnosed with #thyphoid - a disease gotten by drinking dirty water and food. It's so sad that so many people can't get access to clean water in a country after 50 years of indepence. *now shaking head*
Some people like to be funny sha,...the doc asked a woman what a mother gave her son to eat and the woman responded 'food' ermm, dur!!!
hahahahahahahhahahahahahahah............y am i laughing? a woman told the doc that she tasted her urine to find out to find if it had glucose. hahahahahahahahahah join me please....hahahahahaha. Apart from the fact that it's amazing for anyone to think of tasting their urine, if the concentration of glucose is very little, how will the person be able to taste it????? wonders will never end oh!!!
Isn't viagra mean to increase the size of a dude's prick? (i hear some dudedettes use too) lol. The doc prescibed viagra among others. Hehehehehe.... *wink wink*.
I met a girl today. One of those people that always have a weird smile on their face. Not like Timbaland, no.....just plain weird. I also met an old woman. She has a heart condition - congestive chronic failure of the heart. She pulled up her blouse to allow the doc read her heart beat and WOAH! Was i scared when i saw her tits. hehehehehe.......the thought of getting old now scares me even more.
Some people can like to have high glucose levels tho. One woman's read 411 meanwhile normal range is 75-115! Towards the end of the day, i saw this woman with a frog looking face. I'm not even joking. It's the results of ''bleaching'' - better be satisfied with your skin colour!

So the day is over and i gotta go make my hair.