Hello there, I have genuinely been meaning to blog for a while now but school is just so time taking and draining. I have been getting requests to blog again and in fact, about specific topics so i will start with this one. Be warned though, I will probably start ranting.
A guy told me to title the topic: ''Why Nigerian Girls Love The Money And Not The Man''. hmmn....this is an unfair topic isn't it? i mean.. who says Nigerian girls don't ever love the man?
Truthfully, money is an important factor in a relationship(heterosexual or homosexual) and I personally will not take the risk of dating a man who doesn't have money or who doesn't have the drive to be prosperous. I understand that some girls/women are all about dating men who have large purses but that may be because they just need money to go through school(aristo girls) or have an incurable addiction to money and rich things eh? i think this is the same as ''men just date for sex''.
As the men get the sex, the women get the money innit? i mean, in the case of a reasonable number of men(or Nigerian men), once they start spending money on a babe like that, they start expecting the sex in return.
Now, back to the topic...was straying a bit. To be honest, no woman wants to go out with a man who would be looking at the ground when the bill comes at a restaurant for example. It's simple really. It can even be explained in evolutionary terms; the fact that a man is financially secure is a cue that he will be able to care for a woman and he brood. P.S I'm not advocating women becoming housewives and chopping somebody's money(gold diggers), so if you are one guy like that who isn't a go-getter and you think that there's one woman somewhere who will come and put up with your lazy trifling ass, i tell you, wake up! And let me tell you, it's not only Nigerian women...every straight thinking woman in this 21st century will do the same.
There's also the case of women being the main money bringers into the home. I'm pro-this by the way. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a woman earning more, for me, as far as the guy isn't bringing nothing and being lazy. Also, EGO issues! I'm not one to be helping massage anybody's ego so if u have ego issues, better sort it out. I don't have or personally know any females(friends or acquaintances) who are up for ''ego-massaging'' ....maybe village girls though.
And as for the rich men; the fact that you have money and have asked a girl out doesn't mean she will say yes. Everyone has their own criteria and we cannot possibly be attracted to every single guy so if you think that the NO that the babe has said is just because she wants to play hard to get or that she's shy, better open your eyes. A no is a no, not a yes in disguise.
Example; this guy after what, 2days, comes to my house in his car and bottle of moet and his mouth ready to do sweet-talking and the like. When i said no, he said ''that's weird''!
I mean, can you imagine, what is weird there? do i have to want you because you've driven Toyota and brought moet? And you can imagine that this guy had been saying ''you know it when you look good, if someone tells me i look good and i'm a fine boy, i'm like yes yes i know'' very off-putting a person.
My point at the end of the day basically is that I don't believe any woman/girl will actually date a guy just for monetary purposes except she is a prostitute/aristo runs. Point also is that women/girls will generally only date men who are financially secure in respect to possibililty of having a family with the man.
Thanks for reading. If you have any 'qualms' (lol) about this, you can comment. And please subscribe and follow the blog. Thanks :)
wow i love ur blog that i jus had 2 copy sum ov ur sturvz.....rili nyc..luv it
ReplyDeleteOw hunnie, I love your blog and I agree with everything you said, keep writing moree.
ReplyDeleteI follow Rita dominic on twitter so I read you beg her to read your blog, so I decided to take a peek.
Anyways, Imma blogger too. Would love for you to check it out here www.jazzpa2.blogspot.com. Thank u. :)
Again, loved your blog!
Again hehe..sorry, would love to wish you a happy valentine.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading the blog. :0 ) I'm indeed very grateful